The Run Commuter

I just chanced upon a website and it has inspired me again to pick up commuting to work by running. I know it sounds like a crazy idea, but sometimes when you need to get all your mileage in on a busy week, these crazy ideas seem to crop up.

Many of the articles on the website are on the logistics such as the No Shower Cleanup – Mens Edition (lots of steps but it would seem to be very comprehensive and would leave no one guessing that you had just run to work). Unless you want people to know you ran to work, then you just have to skip a couple steps.


And of course there’s women’s edition too but I don’t have an opinion on how well that one works.

There’s articles on how to get in the right frame of mind to run to work in the morning.

There’s how to plan a route which is important if you want to incorporate it into your training, or you want to skip the traffic fumes.

And of course there’s lots of advice and reviews on clothes, lights, backpack, bringing your clothes to work wrinkle-free, etc.

Check it all out at

As this site says “Live to run, run to work

And we’ll see you (maybe) running on the road or trail commuting to work.

Author: Kevin

Just a trail runner in Calgary and beyond

2 thoughts on “The Run Commuter”

  1. Living just over a mile from work with the trail that goes in front of my house also going in front of my work, and a shower at the complex I work at, I should be running to work everyday, right? DO I? Well, it takes 5 minutes to drive. It takes 15 to run, then another 20 to get ready, plus the extra stuff I need to bring (change of cloths, towel, different shoes) is a lot of weight on the back… The list of excuses goes on. Some day I will overcome my excuses.

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